Getting Real About Terrorism

Read this excellent, thought-provoking article about Terrorism and "alarmism and incompetence: on the part of the terrorists, our government and the press."

Note especially the rampant hyperbole being spewed about regarding recent "foiled" plots that were likely little more than rough ideas, with little substance behind them (taking down the Brooklyn Bridge with a blowtorch?!)

Also of interest: what terrorism really is and how our reactionary response is basically FUBAR.

UPDATE: Here’s an unbelievable story about how power hungry, utterly ludicrous, completely paranoid, and just plain f**kin’ BRAINLESS our Security Nazis are becoming.

If you’re the email-passer-on type, Fw: fw: fw: the link to this post of lunacy to everyone in your address book in the next 47 seconds!

Circuit Sh*tty

How doth Circuit City suck?  Oh, let me count the ways…
Seems like about 27, according to this former C.C. employee who told all to The Consumerist.

I’ve known that Circuit City is awful for over a decade (it’s why I own stock — for the second time — in Best Buy), but this list of pushy, shady, sometimes borderline illegal practices only serves to cement my opinion.

The Maxim Hot 100

This week, Maxim magazine released its annual Hot 100 list — a ranking of the hottest women in the world, according to a roomful of dudes at a magazine.

Now normally, Maxim has pretty good taste. But Lindsay Lohan (whom I’ve always enjoyed) #1?!  And Salma Hayek at 90 when butterface Fergie is #10??!!  Having Avril Levigne on the list at all — let alone at #15??  Renders the whole endeavour quite meaningless.  At least they had the sense to put Eva Longoria (my #1 for years, even before people started recognizing the uber-hottie on Desperate Housewives) in the Top 10.

Here’s the list one by one, starting with #100.

Shuffle It Up

Time for some Friday Fun…
Let’s face it, you’re not going to do much work this afternoon – so why not play Shuffle?

  It’s kind of a cross between Marbles and shuffleboard.  Pool players will also have a leg up.  This one starts off easy, but gets challenging quickly (by the 3rd round).

Where? Kitty Kitty

Ever wonder where your cat goes when you let him out for the day?

Then follow the adventures of Mr. Lee.  He’s a cat sent out with a little camera strapped around his neck so his owner (and the internets) could see everywhere he went.  See Mr. Lee interact with other kitties, stakeout under cars, even have close encounters with snakes.  Eeek!

There’s also background info on how he rigged up the camera for you electronics geeks.

What Would Happen If…

So what would happen if you were on a vehicle were traveling 100 km/hr in one direction, and threw a ball 100 km/hr in the opposite direction?

Think you know the answer?  Watch and see what happens.
(You can fuh-fuh through the multiple cuts and overly dramatic music)