Local Bushism

On Thursday, President Bush came to visit Philadelphia.  During his speech, he uttered yet another classic Bushism:

"I believe in that old Texas adage, if you don’t stand for something, you don’t believe in anything. (Applause.)"

Immediately I shouted at the television: "It’s… ‘or you’ll fall for anything!‘"  George, it’s a uh… play on words.  "Stand"?  "Fall"?  Get it?

It’s simply amazing.  Not just that Bush mangles sooo many words and phrases (although try recording every word you say for two weeks and review how many times you slip up), but that his speechwriters let him do it!  Or does he ignore/ad lib so much that it almost doesn’t matter what’s on those teleprompters?

P.S. This still doesn’t measure up to the all-time Bushism

Master Of Gravity

That is what you will have to become to excel at Gravity Pods — an addictive game of physics.  Aim and shoot your cannon around walls, attractors and repellors to destroy the target.

I’ve made it up to Level 39 so far, which is a killer.

The Real Threat to Americans

Yet another illustration of the complete and utter folly of the IMMINENT DANGER OF TERRORISM TO AMERICANS! (OMG!)

We’d have to have almost 1,000 more 9/11s to come close to just one of the real Big 3 Killers of Americans — Cancer, Smoking, and Heart Disease.

We have a fantastic tendency to put the magnifying glass on multiple deaths occurring simultaneously.  Sad?  Sure.  But it doesn’t make them any more statistically relevant.

The Big Surprise… Revealed!

OK, so I almost don’t want to do this… but part of me just can’t resist.

So there’s this über-popular book that’s out — I don’t even have to tell you its name.  And the ending is quite controversial, dividing people into many factions.

Well, I just happen to be privy to that ending.  I don’t want to give it away right here — you really should read it yourself — but if you’re curious, click here for the spoiler.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Friday Frogger

In all my days, I’ve only known two video games that most women are willing to play.  The Number 1, by far, is Ms. Pac-Man.

For this week’s installment of Friday Fun, I present to you the closest runner-up, Frogger.

Summer Reading

Got any books on your summer reading list that you’re ready to pick up?

Don’t forget that you can search for them all — including my current bathroom reader: "How to Good-Bye Depression" — and everything else in the world that Amazon sells — like Lindsay’s new favorite toy, the Cigarette Dispensing Donkey — all right here on Sean-O.com.

Turn your head slightly to the right →

It doesn’t cost you a penny, and you’ll be supporting Sean O’s webertainment research, money saving deals and Lindsay’s college fund!

Read A Book!

…rounding off the Weekend of ‘Tubes (albeit a bit late 🙂

I think it’s about time you READ A BOOK, N***A!
(WARNING: tons of NSFW cursing… this is a dirty one.
Sensibilities offended at your own risk. No refunds.)