The 9-12 Project – Because I Love America

Colbert & his researchers nail it once again: The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The 10.31 Project Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest “The 9-12 Project is not for families directly affected by 9/11… just people building their careers on it.”

He’s Just Not That Into Me

Well, this was a first. For the first time in over 20 years as a member of the digital universe (save for my foray into online dating): I’ve been rejected as a potential “friend” online. It was bound to happen, sure. But I didn’t expect it from someone I had actually met in real life. […]

My Chat with a Nigerian Scammer

I was awoken this morning not by my alarm clock or iPhone, but rather by my lovely wife. She said I needed to come downstairs and check out this “Nigerian Spammer.” Ummm… OK, honey, you’re waking me up to read a spam e-mail?! No, this was a live person IMing me, asking for $2,000 immediately. […]

Revaluing Time & Attention

Merlin Mann, a smart & funny guy who has some helpful advice about managing Time & Attention for the fellow Knowledge Workers among us.  The slides are excerpted from a 45-minute presentation, distilled to the major points. Who Moved My Brain? Revaluing Time & Attention View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: creativity productivity)