Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle

My wife and I were recently discussing Frances Bean, child of Kurt Cobain (Nirvana) & Courtney Love (Hole, general skankery). Today, I came across this article — via Truemors — which suggests that this now 15-year-old (15!) might become the new face of Chanel. Frankly, she looks much more like an average high school kid, […]

Control Your Finances In 2008

Get Rich Slowly offers a mostly-common-sense-but-still-informative article for making the most of your money in the new year. Of the tips offered, I would emphasize maxing out your Retirement Savings now. As in right now. As in a tomorrow morning trip to HR. The sooner you start saving, the exponential advantage you’ll have in creating […]

Sean O On The Go

Did Santa bring you a new iPhone or iPod Touch for Christmas? (You must have really been good last year) If so, it’s now easier than ever to keep up with your favourite sites — including, naturally!, The recent redesign of the site (didja notice?) looks great as-is in Mobile Safari. (Double-tapping on any […]