jQuery Increment Plugin – Now with Mousewheel Support

jQuery Increment Plugin
jQuery Increment Plugin

The latest version of the jQuery Increment plugin (v. 0.6) now supports use of the mousewheel plugin by Brandon Aaron to increment/decrement numeric input values. Ensure scripts are loaded in the proper order (jquery » mousewheel » increment).

Try it out: jQuery Increment Demo

Download Increment Now

See the original Increment blog post.

One reply on “jQuery Increment Plugin – Now with Mousewheel Support”

  1. Hi,Sean O!
    Thanks for the wonderful script. I have added incremental buttons “+” and “-“.

    if (delta > 0 || e.which == 38 || e.which == 107) {
    changeTime($id, ‘add’);
    // newval = parseFloat(num) + 1 * (e.shiftKey ? .1 : 1);
    else if ( delta < 0 || e.which == 40 || e.which == 109 ) {
    changeTime($id, 'sub');
    //newval = parseFloat(num) – 1 * (e.shiftKey ? .1 : 1);

    Could you please advise how to restore default actions of "backspace" and "delete" buttons. I did something like this:
    // backspace
    else if ( e.which == 8 ) {
    else if (action == 'back') {
    // don't allow decrementing below minimum
    if (v == opts.minVal) return false;
    v = String (v);
    v = v.slice(0,v.length-1);
    But it's not quite right, because it removes only the last digit.

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