Lindsay Is Turning Two

People have been asking what to get for Lindsay for her second birthday. (She’ll be 2 years old already?!) Here are a few suggestions:

  • She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse right now.
  • She used to love — and still enjoys occasionally — Blue’s Clues.
  • She always loves Elmo.
  • We could always use more Children’s DVDs for rides (see above characters).
  • For clothes, she’s a 2T.
  • For toys, anything without small parts is nice
    (she still shoves things in her mouth from time to time).
  • Educational toys like time-telling, spelling, adding/subtracting.
    (she’s got her colors, letters, numbers and counting down!)

For Christmas, she received lots of Barbies… so she’s good with those for a while. And she’s enjoying her full kitchen set with plastic foodstuffs from Christmas.
